Medical Debt

Financial Assistance Programs Help Hospitals Find Hidden Revenue in Bad Debt 

In the aftermath of the pandemic, every nonprofit hospital in the United States is burdened with increasing amounts of bad debt. But many of those hospitals are underutilizing one of the best tools for fixing this problem — an already-established financial assistance program. 

Financial Assistance Programs Help Hospitals Find Hidden Revenue in Bad Debt  Read More »

Medcity News: Credit Bureaus Are Removing Medical Debt, but Hospitals Can Prevent It

Nick McLaughlin, the founder and CEO of Breez Health, wrote this article for MedCity News following the announcement that the White House was launching a medical debt initiative and the three major credit bureaus planned to remove 70% of medical debt from consumers’ credit reports.

Medcity News: Credit Bureaus Are Removing Medical Debt, but Hospitals Can Prevent It Read More »